Youth Effectiveness Training (Y.E.T)
Believe is the Representative of Gordon Training International (GTI) in Lebanon. GTI, headquartered in Solana Beach, California, is a world-renowned human relations training organization. It was founded in 1962 by Dr. Thomas Gordon, a three-time Nobel Peace Prize nominee.
Remember what it was like being a teenager?
Adolescence can be an especially difficult time of time. Teenagers are struggling to find out who they are, to succeed in school, to find out what will give them feelings of personal achievement and high self-esteem. They’re trying to make friends, to fit in and to get along with their parents and teachers.
There is now a great deal of evidence that emotional and social competence is just as important as academic competence, if not more so. The purpose of Y.E.T. is to help youth develop themselves socially and emotionally by offering them both basic personal development skills as well as relationship skills—skills they can use in all areas of their lives and for a lifetime.
- To become aware of their important needs
- To talk straight about their needs, concerns and problems without blaming others
- To make and keep friends
- To tune in to others and listen with empathy to understand their point of view
- To overcome fears that block them from doing what they want to do
- To resolve conflicts with friends, family and others instead of arguing and fighting
- To relate to people who are different from them
- - To develop an action plan for their meeting important goals
- They understand themselves and others better
- They develop skills that they can use in all their relationships and throughout their lives
- They can meet their own needs and goals and overcome fears that block them
- They have empathy for and understanding of other people
- They can get along well with others and can make and keep friends
- They can resolve problems and conflicts peacefully
- They experience less stress and tension in their lives both at home and at school
- They have higher self-esteem and increased self-confidence
Youth Effectiveness Training is an 18-hour program which is divided into 12 90-minute segments for easy integration into a life skills or similar program. The workshop includes creative activities, games and skillbook exercises that appeal to kids. They also participate in role playing and other engaging activities that make it fun for them to learn the Y.E.T. skills.
It is designed for youth between the ages of 12 and 18 years, both those who are coping rather well and also those who are having difficulty taking responsibility for their lives or those having problems at school or strained relationships at home.
Y.E.T. provides kids with healthy alternatives to self-defeating coping mechanisms such as rebellion, retaliation, lying, running away, using drugs and the like.